
07/2024 I attended the four-day 2024 NHERI RAPID workshop at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA! I learned a lot about novel technologies used for collecting data from natural hazards event. Thank you to the RAPID team for organizing it.

05/2024 I presented two research projects at the 2024 EMI conference in Chicago! The presentations were titled (1) Buckling Identification of a Profiled Steel Deck through Strain Measurements using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing and (2) A Data-Driven Approach to Hollow Structural Section Column Design. You can find the book of abstracts here: Link

05/2024 I moderated minisymposia MS 201:  Failure and Function in Structural Stability Applications and MS 207: Data-Driven Methods and Research for Physical Testing in Structural Engineering at the 2024 EMI conference in Chicago. I also served as a judge for the Structural Stability Student Competition. 

03/2024 I received the 2024 Yoon Duk Kim Young Researcher Award from the Structural Stability Research Council within the American Institute of Steel Construction! See AISC's posting here: Link 

01/2024 I was featured in an article posted by the UW Madison College of Engineering! Prof. Blum's team conducted a very fun project--vacuum box testing.  See details about this exciting project through UW's posting here: Link